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“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.”

— Dr. Seuss 

Reading is Fundamental.  In fact, it is one of the most important ingredients to becoming all that you can be. 

Reading develops your brain, provides a window into the world around you and helps you do better in all school subjects.   That’s why we put reading at the very heart of our curriculum. 

2022 – 2023 results 


End of KS2 School results

End of KS2 National results

Expected Standard + 



Greater depth standard 




When pupils were asked, many didn’t enjoy the range of books on offer.  As a result, we’ve expanded our reading material to include: newspapers, utubes books, match attack and graphic novels.  The children, especially our boys and loving reading.  Many of our free readers said they never got a chance to read to an adult at home and rarely in school; we’ve prioritised all free readers to ensure they are listened to more regularly. 

Ashley Low is our reading champion at KS2 ensuring the process of reading assessments allow pupils to make gains in their reading.  Reading material features highly across the curriculum.  Pupil reading champions support in The Well (library) and the reading shed.  We welcome volunteers and encourage peer reading. 

Raising the profile and love of reading is developed through trips to the library, special events : World Book Day, Reading café, Bedtime Stories and Reading under the stars! 

We encourage our families to get actively reading. 


"Reading Under the Stars"

As a way of bringing parents and carers together in a calming, relaxing and inviting environment we have started conducting reading sessions, also known as "Reading Under the Stars".

Floor mats are layed out and LED candlelights are spread evenly across all areas, creating a soothing and tranquil atmosphere. 

On our latest session we had over 42 families attend, which we have received positive and useful feedback. We look forward to arranging more of these valuable sessions for our children.