Family Support
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Please click on the links or find useful numbers below to support your family.
Sleep Support
Carers/Young Carers
Accommodation Concern - Tel: 01536 416560
Citizens Advice - Tel: 03444 889 629 or 01536 482281
Eskdaill GP surgery - Tel: 01536 526526
Dryland GP surgery - Tel: 01536 518951
Linden Avenue GP surgery - Tel: 01536 481734
Headlands GP surgery - Tel: 01536 518886
Weavers GP surgery - Tel: 01536 513494
School Nursing Team (0-19 Service) - Text Only: 07507329600
Domestic Violence
Refuge - Tel: 0808 2000 247
Victim Support - Tel: 0808 168 9111
NSPCC - Tel: 0800 1111 (Children's Helpline) or 0808 800 5000 (Adult's Helpline)
Rape Crisis - Tel: 0808 802 9999
Voice - Tel: 0300 303 1965
Alcoholics Anonymous - Tel: 0800 917 7650
Drinkline - Tel: 0300 123 1110
National Association of Children of Alcoholics - Tel: 0800 358 3456
Smart Recovery - Tel: 0330 053 6022
Frank - Tel: 0300 123 6600 or Text: 82111
Cruse Bereavement Care - Tel: 0808 808 1677
Child Bereavement UK - Tel: 0800 02 888 40
Winston's Wish - Tel: 08088 020 021
Direction Berevament Support Group (Kettering) - Tel: 07411426033
Family Lives - Tel: 0808 800 2222
Mental Health (Adult)
Mind - Tel: 01536 523216
Anxiety UK - Tel: 03444 775 774
Calm Zone - Tel: 0800 58 58 58
IAPT NHS mental health support -
Samaritans - Tel: 116 123
Mental Health (Children)
Young Minds - Tel: 0808 802 5544
Youth Suicide Prevention -
Chat Health - text a School Nurse for Advice - Text: 07507329600
Eating Disorders
Beat - Tel: 0808 801 0677 (Adult's) or 0808 801 0711 (Under 19's)