The overall purpose of the Governing Body is to help provide the best possible education and safest environment for all of our children, staff and families at St Mary's Primary School.
This involves setting the school’s vision and strategic aims and agreeing plans and policies. It is responsible for ensuring the appropriate curriculum is taught and monitors and evaluates performance acting as a critical friend to the Senior Leadership Team to challenge and support them managing and improving the school.
The Governing Body works in partnership with the Senior Leadership Team to determine how the school budget should be spent which is linked to the School Improvement Plan.
The Governors are drawn from our community and are chaired by Mr Mark Broughton. Governors regularly visit the school which gives them a chance to talk meaningfully in meetings about the life of the school. Governors are kept up to date with all events in the school and any new initiatives that we may be implementing.
Chair of Governors : Mr Mark Broughton
The Chair of Governors can be contacted through the school office.
Governor Profiles
MARK BROUGHTON — Foundation Governor. I became a Foundation Governor in 2016 and Chair of Governors in 2020. In 2019, I retired from teaching Modern Languages in secondary schools, so I am pleased to be able to use a lifetime’s experience of education in support of a local church school.
I am constantly struck by the dedication of the staff to the education of the children and to making a difference in their lives. It is a privilege to serve a school that seeks to nurture Christian faith and values in the children, the staff and across the community.
MELVYN HUNTER — Foundation Governor. I graduated in chemistry and taught chemistry and physics to ‘A’ level for 23 years, then set up a computer business: I continued teaching but at further and higher level. I have served in total 31 years as a governor in a number of church schools and served as chair for a number of years. Having run a business, I hope I am able to contribute to the financial management of the school. I am also passionate about Safeguarding being a safeguarding trainer to Peterborough Diocese and safeguarding officer to my church. I have also completed training in data protection and am presently the school data protection officer. I am also involved in monitoring the school web-site content and RE and worship within the school.
KHARAN DABO - I moved to Kettering with my family four years ago. St Mary's has been our first choice due to a “Good” Ofsted report and because it was the school closer to our home. I am a dad of two children, the eldest is attending his first year in university and the youngest is a year three student at St Mary’s. For a living I am a Train Manager and Mentor for East Midlands Railways however, my favourite role is to be a Dad, a Family man. My daughter, Leah, has started her education at this school and her continued progress has been fantastic. The school staff, from the Head Teacher, Teachers and all the support Staff have always demonstrated great passion and care towards the children, which has improved throughout our daughter’s experience. Becoming a School Governor is an opportunity to be more involved in the School’s community and show my daughter how relevant her education is for our family and myself.
JENNY WINKLEY – I joined the Governing Body in February 2022 and look forward to getting to know the school. I have been involved in education and schools for much of my life in a pastoral role, and as a mother and grandmother. Two of my daughters are teachers, one of which teaches primary age. I am particularly interested in Art & Crafts in education.
HELEN CRACKNELL - I became a Foundation Governor in April 2021. Before retiring in 2013, I worked as a Primary Teacher for over 30 years and was a Head teacher in three schools. After which I worked for an Academy Trust for a short period supporting a failing school as well as working part-time at Northampton University in Initial Teaching Training supporting trainee teachers. I fully retired in September 2017. It is an honour to be able to continue supporting another school as I firmly believe every child has the right to high quality education in a caring, effective and creative environment.
SUE BURDETT - I have been a Foundation Governor for 18 months. I am a mother of 5 and grandmother to 10. After completing a maths degree at Exeter University, I became a computer programmer. I am now a Director of our family travel business. I first became involved with the school when my granddaughter started attending and then helped as a volunteer reader. I was so impressed with the way the staff encourage every child to believe in themselves and achieve their potential that I became a governor. It is a real privilege to serve as a governor and support this wonderful school in any way that I can.
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