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Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future – what could be more important than that?

  Michael Palin

At St Mary’s, we strive to equip children with the skills needed to be geographers. We aim to promote a love of the world; the different places & people in it. We give children opportunities to use their learning to consider how to be responsible citizens in a rapidly changing world.



Through our golden threads, children link their learning between multiple topics and subject areas.

Ignition Days:

Ignition days at St Mary's play a pivotal role in fostering a profound love of learning by providing students with immersive and engaging experiences. They are thoughtfully designed to captivate, delight, and ignite curiosity within specific topics. These special days can mark the beginning of a new unit or are seamlessly integrated into our learning sequence. By integrating these hands-on experiences, St Mary's not only deepens students' understanding of subjects but also cultivates a lifelong love for learning that extends far beyond the confines of school.

Below are some of the fabulous days we have had throughout the years:

KS1 - What is the United Kingdom?

KS1 - What is Kettering like?



KS2 - What is extreme about the earth?


Coming Soon...

KS1 - What can I learn from the map of the world? 2024 - 2025

KS2 - Why was the river Nile so important to the Ancient Egyptians? River study - 2024 - 2025

KS2 - How does my home compare to someone else? UK - 2024 - 2025