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Art is not what you see, it is what you make others see.

Edgar Degas

Art gives children an outlet to express themselves. When children create art, they develop self –esteem from experiencing opportunities to make something unique, express their feelings and imagination, and receiving  praise and critique from those around them. 

Have a look at all of our amazing learning in Art





Manipulating clay and collaborative art in Key stage 1

The freedom to manipulate different materials in an organic and unstructured way allows for exploration and experimentation. Art allows the practice of a wide range of skills that are useful in both learning and life. It develops fine motor skills, through the handling of materials; cognitive development, through trialling different ideas such as, what happens when I press harder with this pencil? Or what happens when I mix blue and yellow? It also develops maths skills through looking at the size and shapes they see and create and language skills as they talk about artists and designers and discuss their own ideas and work with others.

Pupils say that art lessons inspire them to use their imagination.  They also said that sketching makes them feel relaxed and research shows that art is a good activity to support a calm, healthy mind.

Photomontage using a Hockney image Perspective line drawing Perspective painting using acrylic

Art clubs are well attended at St Mary’s across both key stages. Pupils have said they like the opportunity to experiment with more resources and techniques. Freya particularly enjoyed making a collaged portrait.

In 2022, the key stage 2 art club took part in the River of Hope arts-based learning project linking schools through the study of rivers. There were 1800 applications and St Mary’s was one of 200 winning entries. Our flag was paraded during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Pageant hung in the City of London and is part of an exhibition at the Royal Maritime Museum.

Our winning design!

Hangings in the Bloomberg offices in London and at the National Maritime museum, London




St Mary's Art Ambassador