British Values
At St Mary's, we focus on supporting the development of all aspects of our children, not just their academic progress. We see our children as citizens of the world, and encourage them to think about how they can make the world a better place, in any way they can- now and in the future.
The government defines ‘fundamental British values” as democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths. Since 2014, teachers in English schools must promote these British values and their promotion is inspected by Ofsted.
Our school’s vision of 'Do everything in love,' and values of friendship, aspiration, love, justice and forgiveness underpin everything we do; our values of justice and friendship dovetail particularly well with the British values. We aim to offer a wide range of experiences and activities that, combined with our general school policies, aims, vision and values, promote each child's personal development and core values needed to be a successful and valuable member of our society. We believe in educating the children -in our care- to be good citizens and to develop the skills they need to have a successful and productive life in modern Britain.
We celebrate cultural diversity in our school and community through visits, collective worship and more, whilst learning what it is to be a confident and valued citizen of this country. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum which explicitly teaches the children the importance of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths.
We are committed to keeping our children safe and happy, in order for them to grow and flourish to their full potential in all aspects of their lives.