Central Methodist Church, Kettering
Our visit to the Central Methodist Church was superb. We met with Rev Noel, Caroline and the team. The message was about loving your neighbour, even when that is a challenge! The scripture comes from Luke 10: 25 – 37 where Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan.
The children reflected on how they could demonstrate kindness and compassion to others. This story aligns beautifully with our school vision and the children considered how they would act if confronted with a similar challenge. The service enabled the children to look through the 'window' into the story of the parable, reflect using the 'mirror' technique to think about what impact this has on their lives and consider walking through the 'door'; taking action, showing love to someone else.
We would be honoured to have Rev Noel and Caroline continue to lead special worship sessions for the children at St Mary's School.