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At St Mary's, homework serves as a vital link between school and home, reinforcing classroom teachings and promoting independent learning. The homework is designed to match what we're learning in school, and it helps us learn important skills like being responsible and managing our time. We aim to equip your children with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in both academic and real-world challenges.
Below are the homework expectations per week:
EVERY CHILD MUST READ DAILY - to support their decoding, fluency and understanding.
- Phonics
Year 1:
- My Maths - minimum 1 session
- Number bonds to 20 practise
Year 2:
- Times Tables Rockstars - 10 minutes daily
- My Maths - minimum 1 session
Year 3:
- 1x Bedrock vocabulary lesson
- Times Tables Rockstars - 10 minutes daily - expectation of 80 correct questions
- My Maths - minimum 1 session
Year 4:
- 1 x Bedrock vocabulary lesson
- Times Tables Rockstars - 10 minutes daily - expectation of 80 correct questions
- My Maths - minimum 1 session
Year 5:
Year 6:
- 2 x Bedrock vocabulary lessons
- My Maths – minimum 1 session
Spellings will be sent home for children to practise, however, these do not need to be brought back into school.
Times tables need to be known by year 4 - this is when children will take the Government's times table test. If children do not know their timetables after this time, they will need daily practise at home so they are able to access future learning.
We recognise that homework must be a balance of consolidating learning and allowing enough time at home for clubs, family time and other leisure activities.
Likewise, we recognise that many children wish to complete more homework than is directed, they are able and welcome to complete more if they wish.