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Leopards - Miss A Welch


Summer 2 Key Dates

Dates Events
Tuesday 4th June First Day Back
6th - 7th June Government MTC Assessment
10th - 14th June Assessment Week
Thursday 20th June KS2 Orienteering Day
Wednesday 26th June KS2 Athletics
Thursday 4th July Polling Day
Friday 5th July KS2 Trip to West Midlands Safari Park
Monday 8th July Transition Day
Thursday 11th July Seeds Of Change
Friday 12th July Sports Day
Tuesday 16th July VR Greece Workshop
Friday 19th July Wicksteed Park Trip
Wednesday 24th July Church Service at 2pm and Last Day of the School Year

Times Tables (Paper) Test - Friday

Arithmetic Test - Friday

Times Tables Soundcheck (Online) - Monday 

PE Day - Thursday & Friday

Homework Due (Bedrock) - Friday

Homework Expectations