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Incredible Years+

We proudly host the Incredible Years+ group for all families of children who go to a school in North Northamptonshire.

Being a parent is one of the hardest things you will ever do. Suddenly you are thrust into the world of having to become a playmate, a role model, a chef, a therapist, a disciplinarian, an entertainer, a taxi service and a make-shift nurse, alongside plenty of other jobs that crop up on the way. All this, with no self-help or guidebook on any of those jobs, let alone, YOUR CHILD.

All children misbehave sometimes, however, would you like to know why your child acts the way they do? Would you like helpful tips and solutions to parenting issues? Would you like to have the opportunity to speak to others about being a parent in a friendly, non-judgemental atmosphere?

Then our Incredible Years+ group may be for you…

What is Incredible Years+ ?

Psychologist Dr. Carolyn Webster-Stratton developed the Incredible Years Programme. Its aim is to support parents in feeling more confident in coping with problems that occur frequently in children, based on psychological research in supporting responsive and nurturing parenting. The group aims to help parents build a strong positive relationship with their child, before using respectful and purposeful tools to reduce target behaviour problems. The programme also focusses on tools for building family relationships, as well as problem-solving methods and adult self-regulation skills.

Alongside this, we have merged together and teach other theories and practical ideas from childhood experts such as Philippa Perry, Alfie Kohn, Tom Rath and Sarah Ockwell-Smith, as well as studies into childhood neurological development, to present a balanced view of being a parent. Bringing the + and different take on the already well established Incredible Years programme.

What will I learn ?

The basic premise of the group is that a foundation based in positive relationship, understanding of the child and understanding of yourself must be established, before any further behavioural tools will have an impact. This is established throughout the first four sessions.


Please see the lessons schedule to the left - note, there will also be a week 9 session, where we review what has been learnt and have a mini graduation.









Where and when is the group, and how do I sign up ?

The group runs three times a year; September–December, January–March & April–June.

The group runs on a Wednesday evening, 6.00pm - 7.30pm, here at St Mary's and is open to all parents based in North Northamptonshire.

To sign up to the next available group, just click on the picture link below and complete the form. Alternatively, if you would like more information, please contact the School Office.